Nowadays, we talk about new children under a plethora of names that end up causing confusion in our minds. Let's find out in this article who they really are. I will help you shed light on their particularities, understand what they came to embody on Earth and see what they are pushing us towards. Then let's discuss the major challenges of these new children and above all how can we best support them?
Preamble to the parents of new children
Currently, we are seeing a whole vocabulary appear that puts labels on our children: high intellectual potential (HIP), high emotional potential (HEP), zebras, gifted, etc. We end up no longer knowing what the very essence of these terms is.
New children have existed since the dawn of time. For example, if we refer to the New Age movement, we will talk about indigo children. Of course, there are common characteristics, but also notable differences. I will explain to you their particularities, their challenges, and why they are present today on Earth.
Let us return to the cyclicality of Life, we are all One, one and the same consciousness. Each of us is part of this Whole, each of us is part of this One. Our individuality influences the Whole. We are witnessing the evolution of the consciousness of Humanity, that of planetary consciousness, and even a quantum leap, thus raising our level of consciousness.
In fact, the Earth has evolved, continues to evolve and ascend vibrationally. Its light opens more and more and thus allows new souls to be attracted and to incarnate. Also, we can see real specificities in these new children, who come to challenge us as parents, as companions, as teachers.
Then, we have the feeling of losing control and we realize that we must abandon the role of the controlling character with them. And the real question with these children is therefore how to be who we are and how to be with them. In order to best answer these questions, it is important to know the particularities of these new children.
Concept n° 1: the particularities of these new children
These new children, unlike the previous waves, have a permanent link with their consciousness and with their soul. They possess an almost unlimited opening of consciousness which gives them a clear color, an extremely powerful radiance.
In the presence of these children, we can see in their eyes this very singular light that we recognise and which brings us back to ours. These children are great telepaths and through their inner radiance, we change, we transform ourselves, we heal. Moreover, they have the capacity to communicate from heart to heart, from soul to soul, in an intuitive way.
So taking these children of light into our traditional schools, which have not really evolved, is going to be extremely confronting for them. However, this confrontation can be beneficial to them because of their human fraternal values. Also, imagine that in reality, these children are already this new world filled with love and peace.
In fact, they have within them this extreme sense of justice, of the rightness of the heart. However, going to school leads them to draw strength from within themselves to extract themselves and to build the new for later. Thus, life at school comes down to pushing better, to growing through a destabilising experience that is uncomfortable, certainly, but which makes them evolve in love, in confidence, in awareness.
In reality, they have an incredible sensitivity, fine, clear, and limpid. Their sensitivity and their senses are marvellous. Thus, they embody true inner clarity. For them, there is no separation between the soul and us, between the soul and nature, between the soul and animals. Everything is in symbiosis, in perpetual symphony in order to create the permaculture of life: making spiritual health as important as physical health.
Concept #2: the incarnation of these new children on Earth
These new children came to Earth to call for the creation of new societies that are more equitable and more respectful of all forms of life. And these new children that we could call the indigo children of the 21st century have a very present incarnation with an anchoring to the Earth, an anchoring to the World.
Often, these new children are impatient, because they know why they are here, what their life mission is and they no longer want to waste time. And there, we can measure their frustration in their desire to shout "there is no more time to lose, it is now that we need you, wake up and let's build the new world together".
In addition, they are hyper creative children, who have a natural artist's soul, in the sense, a creative soul of our reality. They want to know how to do it alone, to be creative in the service of the divine in them, of the living, of their brothers and sisters on Earth. They want to be responsible and are constantly looking for autonomy.
So, all this is a bit confusing for the parent who finds himself faced with a demanding, observant, curious, intelligent child. Personally, I have worked with children in my Reiki after-school club who were completely lost, because no one was aware of their sensitivity and their extra-sensory abilities. On the other hand, the parents find themselves helpless.
During the parent-child Reiki classes that I offer, I see that the child is not the problem. The problem is our lack of confidence, our closure to what we are and what they are. We must find who we really are within our couple, within our family. Like these children, we must embody love, peace and harmony.
Concept #3: the major challenges of these new children
The first major challenge that these new children face is isolation. These children are different and often, this difference is highlighted by the parents and by the teacher at school. So, the child thinks he has a problem and tends to isolate himself and withdraw into himself.
Finally, he does not maintain a social bond, being aware that no one listens to him. He is confronted with his own inner demons. In fact, what saves him is this strong connection to the light. But he can still fall into a forced and suffered solitude.
Another challenge for these new children is the Saviour syndrome. Their great sensitivity encourages them to transform into Mother Teresa over a period of 0 to 28 years. They receive a lot of information and find themselves drowned by this great receptivity. Thus, they will let themselves be touched, impregnated, overwhelmed by all these emotions that do not belong to them.
The challenge is great, because these children will not know what to do with all this information. All this is very difficult to manage, to process. They undergo too much internal confrontation in all these absorbed energies. It is then difficult for them to get out of this Saviour mode, saviour of others, saviour of their family, saviour of siblings, etc. in order to save themselves.
At the same time, these children have difficulty accepting being frustrated and obeying. So frustrating a child also means setting limits for them. Indeed, these limits can be likened to a space in which they can feel secure as in a cocoon. They are therefore essential to them.
Let us remember that they are individuals with this awareness of universality, but they are this individuality of consciousness in this universality.
Concept No. 4: supporting these new children
The first piece of advice I would like to give you is to stop wanting to be a perfect parent. Indeed, this ideal pushes you to be in a perpetual search for good. From there, you are confronted with an internal struggle between what you are and what you idealise.
Now, the new children tell you: "Love yourself now as you are, accept yourself in all your facets, let go of your costume of perfection". So, I encourage parents to take a path of personal stripping, either by being accompanied or by living it with their child.
Thus, parents are led to free themselves from what they are not in order to find who they are. Then, they will learn to love their life, to love their child. In fact, they will completely change their perception of life.
The tip that I strongly recommend to parents in supporting their children is to offer them real daily emotional hygiene (see article Energy Cleansing for Children). This emotional hygiene is of capital importance. Indeed, by absorbing the emotions of others, these children do not really make the difference with what they feel.
Obviously before the age of 7, the mental body is not formed so it will be complicated. However, this does not prevent us as parents from sowing seeds in the hearts of our children from the age of 1 and a half.
Thus, we can help them name what they cannot fully discern. We know that what is not said is imprinted on us. So, naming it for our child will allow him to let it slide and not absorb anything.
What I would like to add
So let us remember that emotional hygiene is of capital importance. Thus, in the Reiki Kids Little Healers courses and classes that I offer, I indicate all the tools to support children. You will be able to find tips intended for children and parents to nourish this need for spirituality (in particular that of breathing or singing).
The energy Cleansing of these children must be part of the evening ritual in the same way as brushing teeth. Then, let us understand that these children have a great need for spiritual nourishment. They must know how to connect to their being, to their soul, to their light. So, I invite you to nourish them with small actions, such as meditating, evoking the cosmos, singing the praises of life, singing the love of the Universe.
And above all, it is important to make visible what is invisible, that the hidden meaning of things is brought to light. Obviously, this requires us to be connected to this part of ourselves and to share with our children moments of real communion. We commune from heart to heart and these little moments fully recharge our whole being.
To go further on this reflection of nourishing them with small action, I invite your child to try a Morning Meditation for a Positive Day with us!
I wish us the best