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Writer's picture: Cindy TheodoreCindy Theodore

Spoken or sung, Light Language is a language of benevolent love and light. It is made up of many different dialects. Some of these dialects are ancient languages, star languages orangelic codes. Light Language is the Galactic Language of Love and Light. For those who hear it (and speak it), it is encoded with healing frequencies, DNA activation and it can be used for healing, attunement, meditation and alignment. If you are ever spoken to in a Light Language, you will feel its vibrations, even if you do not understand what it is doing. Some say it looks familiar, as if from a distant past. Some cry when they hear it. It is not necessary to "understand '' what is said (that is the most difficult for our Cartesian and logical brains) - it is enough to have an intention of healing or to harmonise with the intention of facilitating the flow of energy to the right place in your energy structure. Light Language is a healing gift from higher dimensional frequencies. Words are made of energy, sounds and vibrations. The same is true for written Light Language and for LightLanguage in the form of what is called Sacred Geometry.

Light language healing include:

  • Releases Stuck or Blocked Energy - It releases areas of tension and discordances from your body, mind, and spirit by speaking telepathically and directly to your heart and soul, to your entire being.

  • DNA Activation - It initiates DNA activation. This releases forgotten, or dormant, gifts from this or other lifetimes, and allows you to better access and express these parts of yourself in your everyday experience.

  • Activates the Pineal Gland - It activates the pineal gland, which helps you interpret abstract information that is the language of soul and Spirit. This can assist greatly in facilitating life changes.

  • Higher Dimensional Access - It can initiate the experience of higher dimensional access and anchoring. It opens telepathic channels, simultaneously opening all subtlecommunication channels. Essentially, it accelerates Ascension and your ability to bring the light of your soul into this body and this dimensional experience

So for example, light language is communicated to me through my voice (ancient dialects spoken or sung), as well as hand movements. As the light language is being sent as a song, I am sometimes prompted to work with a drum or a rattle. The Light Language moves through me while I channel the words, and when you listen to it, you receive Light Codes through my voice, which awakens your own consciousness. Think of a song that really moves you. The song writer receives the inspiration (in- spirit- action) and writes down the song. The singer takes the song, and brings his/ her Light Language to it, by adding the voice, and we listen to it and receive the codes. This process happens with art, poetry, books, documentaries, yoga classes, talk therapy,food, fashion, floristry, homestyling… literally everywhere! And how do you know what your flavour of Light language is? It’s what you absolutely LOVE!It’s the things that bring you the most joy. Light Language healing and Activation are 5th dimensional (and beyond) in nature. This means that these words and the process itself won’t make sense to the mind, (which is 3 dimensional in nature). Your mind might be saying, “what the?” but if you resonate with this work, and with Light Language itself, you’ll feel the pull in your body, your heart, your soul. You won’t know why, but you’ll feel an intrigue, a knowing, a remembering, and if you’re likeme, at the start of my LL journey, you might feel a lot of fear…. That's when we know our LightLanguage is big. BENEFITS OF LIGHT LANGUAGE

  • Raise your frequency, repair your auric field​ & purify your energetic bodies for spiritual expansion

  • Light Body activation for karma releasing

  • Connection with your Starseed families

  • For lightworkers, it amplifies your current energetic potential for deeper healing work. It activates your Starseed gifts with Galactic Light Languages​​​

  • Recalibrate brainwaves, realign distorted neural pathways

  • Remembering who you truly are and what dormant potential/talent wants to awaken in you now and connect to your purpose​​​

  • Harmonising polarities within and beyond ourselves

  • Release old patterns and energies and vibrationally align you with your souls' path

  • Emotional healing & spiritual support, guidance about a decision, inspiration for a new direction or change with Angelic Light Languages​

  • Expansion for those who have reached their timeline of remembrance.

  • Life-changing healing, DNA, and blueprint activations.

  • Highlighting any blockages or distortions that are holding you back from your creative energetic oneness.

  • Acceleration of consciousness

  • Energy reinforcement & Sleep improvement

  • Regeneration of the physical body

  • Restructuring of damaged organs

  • Release of feelings of guilt and fears

  • Release of unconscious negative beliefs, traumatic experiences

  • Achievement of goals

  • The opening of the doors of intuition and imagination, etc.

In my Women's circles I channel energy healing, spirit's messages and integrate my light language. I invite you to be curious and try for yourself. It's beautiful and very powerful!

I wish us the best, Cindy

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