The word chakra means wheel in Sanskrit. It acts like a spinning vortex that carries energy throughout the body. The chakras system is a network of nerves and glands that produce, regulate and distribute hormones throughout the body. Each chakra is connected to specific organs in our body, and serve as portals that link our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.
As such, they respond to vibrational frequencies emitted by our thoughts, emotions, movements, the food we eat, the air we breathe and what surrounds us like sounds, scents, light, stones, colours, etc. By resonance it is possible to influence their frequency and correct their imbalances.
Chakras are fundamental to an understanding of holistic healing. There are seven main chakras (plus a number of small ones) that interact with the body's ductless endocrine glands and lymphatic system by feeding in good energy and disposing of wanted energy. It is vital for our general health and the prevention of illness or disease that we nourish our chakras in the correct way.
The first three, or lower, chakras—the root, pelvic, and navel chakras are related to our sense of stability, strength, and confidence. They are essentially the seat of our primal need to feel rooted, our creativity and sensuality, and our will power. When a chakra is overactive—imbalanced, people know it immediately. The following symptoms, either physical or emotional, are indication of a situation that needs to be addressed to get the energy flowing again:
1/ The Root chakra (Maladhara)—
Located at the base of the spine, the root (base) chakra energy focuses on stability, will, grounding, foundation, physical energy and security.
Physical symptoms: weight issues, gas, diarrheas, problems with knee or feet, varicose veins, impotence, insomnia and addictions.
Overactive—imbalanced: Intolerance, aggressiveness,, rigidity, hyperactivity and greed
Under-active: feeling space out, low self-esteem, resistance to physical world, fatigue, insecurity, poor focus, low libidos, lack of energy, lack of coordination, loneliness and depression.
Balanced: Going with the flow, feeling secure, motivated, grounded and comfortable in this material plane.
I love my body, it is my temple and I care for it
2/ The Sacral chakra (Swadhisthana)—
Located below the naval, the sacral chakra energy focused on creativity, healing, desire, emotion, intuition, sexuality and reproduction.
Physical symptoms: Cramps, kidney or gallbladder problems, urinary tract infection, sexual disorders, allergies, immune system issues and fertility issues.
Overactive—imbalanced: Mood swing, hysteria, sexual addiction, seductive manipulation, guilt, possessiveness and jealousy.
Under-active:Dependency, frustration, shame, low self esteem, over-indulgence, depression and fear of pleasure.
Balanced: Enables pleasure and relationships
Light radiates from me, I embrace my emotion
3/The Solar Plexus (Manipura)—
Located below the chest (below breastbones), the solar plexus chakra energy focuses on the intellect, ambition, will-power, personal responsibility and sense of purpose.
Physical symptoms: Food allergies, parasites, diabetes, stomach problems, ulcers, shingles, obesity, stress related conditions and lack of memory.
Overactive—imbalanced: Unsure of role on Earth, stubbornness, dread, inability to relax, anger and perfectionism.
Under-active: Apathy, feeling of rejection, mistrust, worries and dependency.
Balanced: Healthy digestion of food and life, joyfulness, feeling a sense of personal power, Affirmation of self, ability to shine and take your place
I feel my purpose in life, I trust the direction I take
The top chakras —heart, throat, third eye and crown chakras
4/ The Heart chakra (Anahata)—
Located at the centre of the chest, the root (base) chakra energy focuses on love, compassion, emotional balance, and universal consciousness.
Physical symptoms: Heart issues, lung issue, breast cancer, hyperventilation, immunity imbalance and high blood pressure.
Overactive—imbalanced: Feeling attacked, selfishness, excessive secretiveness and jealousy.
Under-active:Afraid of letting go, tendency to withdraw and feeling unworthy of love.
Balanced: Ability to love and receive love, healthy immune system, balance in relationship and other chakras, compassion, feeling of harmony and peace.
My heart is filled with love and I spread it around
5/The throat chakra (Vishuddha)—
Located at the centre of the neck , the throat (base) chakra energy focuses on expression, divine guidance, the ability to speak and communicate clearly and effectively,
Physical symptoms: Sore throat, teeth and gums problem, hypo or hyper thyroid, stiff neck, laryngitis, bronchitis, asthma, sinus or ear infections, hay fever.
Overactive—imbalanced: Increase anxiety, arrogance, overly talkative, hyperactivity, criticise others, over-opinionated and disrespectful.
Under-active: Shyness, being withdrawn, self-criticism, hard time to articulate thoughts, cowardice and bloating.
Balanced: Maintenance of healthy weight, ability to communicate and be a person of integrity.
I communicate confidently and with ease, I feel comfortable speaking my mind, I am balanced in speaking and listening, I Am an active listener. I speak my true thoughts with clarity, I set clear boundaries. I am clear about what I want and Icommunicate it easily
6/ The Third Eye chakra (Ajna)—
Located at the centre of the forehead (between the eyebrows), the third eye chakra energy focuses on spiritual awareness, intuition, psychic powers and imagination.
Physical symptoms: Mental and hormonal issues, headache, migraines, poor vision, brain tumor, deafness, dyslexia, learning disabilities and autism...
Overactive—imbalanced: Fear, lack of direction, lack of clarity, anxiety disorder, nightmares and scattered thoughts, nervousness, denial...
Under-active: Chronic tiredness, dizziness, lack of common sense and poor memory.
Balanced: Clear thoughts, consciousness, healthy intuition, creativity, strong memory, ability to manifest, balanced hormones, wisdom and guidance.
I trust my intuition and I act accordingly
7/ The Crown chakra (Sahasrara)—
Located at the top of the head, the crown chakra energy focuses on enlightenment, cosmic consciousness, energy and perfection...
Physical symptoms: Mental illness, neuralgia, seizures, senility, epilepsy, varicose veins, blood vessel problems and skin rashes..
Overactive—imbalanced:Superiority complex, cynicism, lack of empathy, light sensitivity, disconnection with Divine or Source, limited access to body's inner wisdom, distrust and rigidity of beliefs...
Under-active: Lack of purpose, coordination problem, depression, confusion and lack of faith.
Balanced: Feeling of serenity, awareness, self realisation, connection to the universe, wholeness, experience
ing Source within self, enlightenment..
I am divine being, love and light is my language
Path to healing the chakras
Balance is key in Chakra Healing. When chakras are not balanced, you know it immediately! You don't feel well!
Balancing your chakras requires harmonising physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes! In order to do so, imagine the following as a spiral that starts the healing process of feeling happy, well and alive.
Be active, oxygen not only feeds the body, it also feeds brain cells. Accomplishing this gives you pride, which leads you to..
Be more confident. This allows you to establish a satisfying relationship and display enthusiasm that will enable you to ...
Express your various strengths and feel your personal power. Gaining self-esteem opens the doors to...
Loving others and feeling the warmth of compassion. This enables giving and brings...
To inquire rather than make assumption.You are able to speak your truth with clarity, sensitivity, and certainty.
This certainty will let you surrender enough to be able to perceive the purpose of life and go beyond matter to intuitively see the big picture.
Once you see everything globally, it brings forth a sense of communion with the rest of the universe, and a connection with the divine
In another post we will look at the higher chakras (8 to 12) —they are less known than the seven bodily chakras.
Blessings, Cindy X