Who on this Earth has not been confronted with their karma? The concept of karma is governed by the universal law of cause and effect. It shows us that our past actions influence our present and our future. It encompasses all our karmic memories, buried in our unconscious.
I see some people doing a lot of research on their past lives, their family history, their Akashic records or their past in search of inner answers. However, if this search consists only of finding the cause of one of our behaviors or one of our wounds, our karma will always be present…
We can convince ourselves of certain truths, build rational arguments, but as long as the change is only on the mental level, no release of karma will be possible… Because the release of karma is at the vibrational level…
But then, if these karmic memories are housed in our unconscious and on a vibrational level, how can we have access to them? Well, rest assured, it is much simpler than it seems.
In this article, I explain the process so that you can quickly free yourself from your karma and your karmic memories. But before that, let’s check an important point… Do you know what karma really is?
What is karma?
Understanding karma
Karma is a law of the universe based on cause and effect. We often talk about karma as: “I did not behave correctly, life will take revenge on me…”. However, the law of karma includes a much more subtle dimension and it goes well beyond this phenomenon of karmic responsibility…
What we are experiencing today, in the present moment, is a vibrational consequence of what happened: in the past of our current life, in our intrauterine life, in our transgenerational baggage and in our previous lives.
Imagine that at the age of 5, or in a past life, you had experienced a betrayal by one of your loved ones and it was a very painful moment for you. Right now, you feel a constant apprehension and increased distrust of your loved ones, you are afraid that they will betray you…
According to the law of karma, guess what could happen? Well, even if it is something you absolutely do not want, you could attract betrayal to you once again! Why? Because in the past, this vibration of betrayal has crystallized in you and today, this wound of betrayal still vibrates in you. As long as this vibration is not released, it will reactivate itself in each similar situation through fears or concrete betrayals.
I will complete this paragraph by explaining another law of the universe: The law of vibration.
The law of vibration and karma
Karma is intimately linked to the Law of Vibration. This law is a universal principle attesting that everything in the universe is vibration. From the smallest particle to the most massive object, everything is vibration…!
Our thoughts, emotions and consciousness also emit vibrations that can influence our reality. When they are aligned with similar energies, this creates an attraction.
Everything is connected, because these vibrations interact with each other. We attract to ourselves what corresponds to our own vibration, in the universe, everything is in resonance.
👉 We therefore attract to ourselves everything that resonates with our vibrations. This is the basis of the Law of Vibration, and it plays a considerable role in the influence of karma in our lives!
Freeing yourself from karma and karmic memories
The influence of karma on our life
When we experience a situation, our automatic programs that depend on all these past vibrations are activated in us!
Even if these vibrations come from the past, they are clearly present in our present… Our reactions, our emotions and our perception are therefore in no way free at that moment because some of our vibrations are activated automatically…
However, we can easily access them since we can feel them through our emotions as well as all these sensations that are triggered in our body. I remind you, the sensations present in your body are vibrations and this is where the key to liberation lies!
We do not dwell on the cause that triggered a situation or an emotion, because liberation does not take place on the mental level. On the other hand, we have the ability to feel what it causes in our body and these sensations that we feel are vibrations blocked inside us, these energies no longer circulate!
But then, how can we free ourselves from these blocked vibrations (or these sensations) linked to karma?
The process to free ourselves from karma
Be aware of our bodily sensations
To free ourselves from our karmic baggage, we must place our consciousness in the sensations that a situation gives us…
If you feel:
- Big anger arising in you…
- A sadness…
- Fears that repeat themselves
- Emotions when someone provokes you or attacks you verbally…
- And so many other emotions that repeat themselves…
Well, first of all, tell yourself that each of these unpleasant sensations is an opportunity to free yourself from these karmic memories!
When a situation triggers feelings in you, I invite you to welcome it and not reject it.
Repressing your feelings would mean giving these karmic vibrations the opportunity to reactivate in you in the future…
Let’s take an example:
When faced with a situation, a great sadness is triggered in you… Your throat tightens, your chest compresses, you are on the verge of collapsing… Moreover, for some people, mastering their emotions can be really challenging…
Is your emotion linked to a karmic memory? It doesn’t matter, knowing the cause of this reaction will not help you free yourself… All that matters at each moment are the feelings, the vibrations triggered in you.
The process of releasing your karmic memories in 6 steps
The work of liberation consists of experiencing the sensations that this situation gives you, here are the 6 steps:
- Step 1: Take the position of observer, and place your awareness on the sensations that you feel in your body. If we take our example again, it is about feeling your throat tight as well as oppression in your chest…
These vibrations can also manifest themselves by: physical pain, discomfort, chills, temperature differences…
- Step 2: Identify the part that gives you the most sensations, is it your chest or your throat? Place your concentration on the area where the vibrations are strongest.
- Step 3: Feel these vibrations move and live in you… Do not judge your feelings, experience them like a spectator who “watches” a show.
- Step 4 (bonus): Maintain your concentration on your sensations, take a mirror and look yourself in the eyes. For more ease, you can choose to focus on just one eye.
- Step 5: After a while, all these sensations will give way to inner calm, to true serenity… This means that your vibrations are circulating again… You have freed yourself from these crystallised cellular memories.
The liberation processes can be significantly different from one individual to another. I have personally experienced very powerful karmic liberations.
- Step 6: Consult the article: How do you know if you are truly liberated?
At first glance, this process of releasing karmic memories seems very simple, however, it requires a lot of willpower and concentration, especially at the beginning! And this is completely normal, especially when you have been used to repressing this type of sensations…
But rest assured, as with every new thing, with practice, it becomes more and more accessible!
Freeing yourself from karma invites us to connect to our Higher Being, and goes well beyond the connection to the soul…!
If you are ready to consciously shift what’s been holding you back in areas like relationships, career, and personal self-worth, sign up for one of our monthly live Activation session that help you free yourself from anything that doesn't’t serves you
I wish us the best,
Cindy, a 20th generation shaman